😸 Meaning – Grinning Cat Face with Smiling Eyes Emoji
This emoji shows a personified cat with happy eyes and a big smile. It is very similar to the typical round-face smiling emoji and can replace it to change your message and make it more original. Grinning Cat Face with Smiling Eyes Emoji can be used as a simple happy face for a nice, relaxed text since it is a very friendly emoji.

Grinning Cat Face with Smiling Eyes Emoji details
- Symbol to copy
- Uncode codepoint
- U+1F638
- Unicode name
- Grinning Cat Face with Smiling Eyes
- Category
- Smileys & People / Cat Faces
- Keywords
- cat, eye, face, grin, smile
- Windows Alt-code
- Alt+1F638
- Decimal HTML Entity
- 😸
- Hex HTML Entity
- 😸
- UTF-16 hex
- 0xD83D 0xDE38
- Wikipedia
- n/a
- Version
- Unicode 6.0
- Year
- 2010 (see all emoji of 2010)
Related emoji
🌐 Grinning Cat Face with Smiling Eyes Emoji translations
Language | CLDR Name | Keywords |
Deutsch | grinsendes Katzengesicht mit lachenden Augen | Gesicht, Katze |
Français | tête de chat qui sourit avec des yeux rieurs | chat, sourire |
Русский | смеющийся кот | кот, кот с закрытыми глазами, кот с широкой улыбкой и закрытыми глазами, морда |
Español | cara de gato sonriendo con ojos sonrientes | cara, gato, sonrisa |
Italiano | gatto che sogghigna | faccina, gatto, gatto con occhi sorridenti, ghigno |
Português | rosto de gato sorrindo com olhos sorridentes | gato, riso, rosto, rosto de gato, sorriso |
Polski | szeroko uśmiechnięty kot o roześmianych oczach | kot, uśmiech, zęby |