🦸🏾 Meaning – Superhero Emoji with Medium-Dark Skin Tone
This is a variant of the Superhero Emoji with a medium-dark skin tone applied. The Superhero: Medium-Dark Skin Tone Emoji was added to the Skin tones category in 2018 as part of Emoji 11.0 standard. This is a very new emoji, so most likely it will not be displayed on most devices.

Superhero Emoji with Medium-Dark Skin Tone details
- Symbol to copy
- Uncode codepoint
- U+1F9B8 U+1F3FE
- Unicode name
- Superhero: Medium-Dark Skin Tone
- Category
- Skin Tones / Medium-Dark Skin Tone
- Keywords
- good, hero, heroine, superhero, superpower, medium-dark skin tone
- Windows Alt-code
- n/a
- Decimal HTML Entity
- 🦸🏾
- Hex HTML Entity
- 🦸🏾
- UTF-16 hex
- 0xD83E 0xDDB8 0xD83C 0xDFFE
- Wikipedia
- n/a
- Version
- Emoji 11.0
- Year
- 2018 (see all emoji of 2018)
🦸🏾 emoji variants
🌐 Superhero Emoji with Medium-Dark Skin Tone translations
Language | CLDR Name | Keywords |
Deutsch | Held: mitteldunkle Hautfarbe | Comic, Held, Superheld, Superkraft, gut, Übermensch, mitteldunkle Hautfarbe |
Français | super-héros : peau mate | bien, heroïne, héros, super-héros, super-pouvoir, peau mate |
Русский | супергерой: цвет кожи 5 | героиня, герой, супергерой, супермен, суперсила, цвет кожи 5 |
Español | superhéroe: tono de piel oscuro medio | bueno, heroína, héroe, superhéroe, superpoder, tono de piel oscuro medio |
Italiano | supereroe: fototipo 5 | eroina, supereroe, supereroina, superpoteri, fototipo 5 |
Português | super-herói: pele morena escura | boa, bom, heroína, herói, super-herói, superpoder, pele morena escura |
Polski | superbohater: karnacja średnio ciemna | bohater, bohaterka, pozytywny, superbohater, supermoc, karnacja średnio ciemna |