😄 Meaning – Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes Emoji
This emoji is a slightly different version of the classic ginning emoji. It is a funny, nice face with a big smile accompanied by smiling eyes. Happy Emoji typically indicates happiness or excitement about something. Sometimes this kind of emoji is just used to complement your texts without giving it a specific meaning.
The Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes Emoji appeared in 2010, and now is mainly known as the Happy Emoji, but also may be reffered as the Happy Face. Sometimes it is mentioned as the Smily Face.

Happy Emoji details
- Symbol to copy
- Uncode codepoint
- U+1F604
- Unicode name
- Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes
- Category
- Smileys & People / Positive Faces
- Keywords
- eye, face, mouth, open, smile, happy
- Windows Alt-code
- Alt+1F604
- Decimal HTML Entity
- 😄
- Hex HTML Entity
- 😄
- UTF-16 hex
- 0xD83D 0xDE04
- Wikipedia
- n/a
- Version
- Unicode 6.0
- Year
- 2010 (see all emoji of 2010)
Related emoji
🌐 Happy Emoji translations
Language | CLDR Name | Keywords |
Deutsch | grinsendes Gesicht mit lachenden Augen | Gesicht, lol, lustig |
Français | visage très souriant aux yeux rieurs | sourire |
Русский | смеется с закрытыми глазами | закрытые глаза, радость, смех, улыбка с закрытыми глазами |
Español | cara sonriendo con ojos sonrientes | abierta, cara, ojo, sonrisa |
Italiano | faccina con sorriso e occhi sorridenti | bocca aperta, faccina con un gran sorriso e occhi sorridenti, occhi felici, risata, sorriso |
Português | rosto risonho com olhos sorridentes | aberta, boca, olhos, rosto, sorriso |
Polski | uśmiechnięta twarz z otwartymi ustami i roześmianymi oczami | uśmiech, wesoły |